5 Healthy Ways To Prevent And Eventually Treat Adult Acne

5 Healthy Ways To Prevent And Eventually Treat Adult Acne

Occasional acne is generally manageable. It’s a part of growing up, but if it persists when you’re an adult, use these tips to control and get rid of adult acne.

Acne occurs especially during the adolescent period. A few zits here and there wouldn’t hurt anyone.

But what if this condition persists until adulthood? Then it’s a more serious skin problem, and it’s called adult acne.

According to many dermatologists, there are many causes of adult acne:

1. Activation Of The Stress Hormone

When your body is in a constant state of stress, it automatically produces stress hormones which trigger the production of oil in your sebaceous glands.

The overdrive of your glands can cause more acne flare-ups.

2. Heredity

Did anybody in your family suffer from adult acne? It could very well be that you inherited these traits from your parents or any close family member.

Unfortunately, this is a cause which cannot be fully controlled but can be managed realistically.

3. Poor Hygiene Habits

Although cleanliness doesn’t necessarily mean acne-free, hygiene still plays a big role in keeping your skin smooth.

Poor hygiene habits such as the lack of skin regimen, sleeping without washing the face, or picking old acne may sometimes be the cause of a persistent acne condition.

In many instances, acne can be avoided when people follow simple steps to manage them.

In this article, we will be looking into 5 healthy ways to help you get rid of adult acne.

How To Treat Adult Acne

Here are five simple steps for you to take in order to get rid of adult acne:

1. Seek The Help Of A Dermatologist For A Skin Product Recommendation

When acne goes out of control, the first step you have to take is to seek the help of a dermatologist.

Dermatologists are experts in assessing your skin condition and understanding your case background to help them find the best medication.

In many instances, dermatologists will prescribe a medication such as Tazorac, which can be a little expensive.

2. Have A Consistent Skin Regimen

Another step is to have a consistent regimen that works for your skin. This may be given by your dermatologist, or you can find a product that works for yourself.

Usually, a skincare regimen contains a 3-step process:

  1. The first step is to use a gentle wash.
  2. After patting your skin dry, you can now apply the toner using a cotton ball.
  3. The third step is to put on moisturizer and any topical application.

Some of the common topical applications are benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. If you opt for a more natural alternative, you can go for tea tree oil as well.

3. Improve Your Dietary Habits

How To Treat Adult Acne - Eat Healthy

12 Fabulous foods for your skin.

Most people think that diet has nothing to do with skin. This is not the case however, as your diet affects your skin in much the same way it can affect your heart and other organs.

Try to avoid greasy foods, dairy, nuts, and other products that can trigger acne.

Opt for healthier snacks such as fresh greens, lean meat, and wholesome carbs. These types of food contain fiber that helps you get rid of toxins, reduce bodily stress indigestion, and contains nutrients that will help in the rejuvenation of your skin.

4. Adopt A Physically Active Lifestyle

Since stress is a major contributor to persistent acne, you may want to consider working out to get rid of the stress hormone.

Exercising regularly at moderate levels is known to release happy hormones such as serotonin. This hormone reduces amounts of stress in the body which can lessen the production in oil glands and acne triggers.

5. Have Good Hygiene

Last, but definitely not the least, is being mindful of your daily hygiene habits.

This means removing makeup after a long day’s work, sleeping with clean pillows, avoiding picking, and changing clothes after you’ve been exposed to sweat.

Always make sure that your skin is free from germs as soon as possible, as dirt can cause acne when combined with the overflow of the sebaceous glands.

Your skin says a lot about you. Keep in mind these healthy steps, and you are on your way to clearer skin.

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