How To Choose The Ideal Sunscreen For Your Skin Type

How To Choose The Ideal Sunscreen For Your Skin Type

Choosing the ideal sunscreen for your skin type is imperative. Here are some super-effective tips to help you with this process.

That’s because not only are people with different skin types likely to have different needs when it comes to sun protection, but they are also more susceptible to certain health conditions that require specific treatments.

This article will go over everything you need to know about picking out the perfect sunscreen for your unique skin type so you can enjoy the outdoors without risking your health!

Choosing The Ideal Sunscreen For Your Skin Type

Here are the factors you need to keep in mind when choosing the right sunscreen for your skin type:

1. The Ingredients In Sunscreen

The most crucial thing to do before buying sunscreen is to learn the ingredients that are used in all of them.

This will allow you to identify which ones would be best for your skin type and, conversely, which ones will cause serious damage.

Essentially, zero waste sunscreen will be best for your skin. So what are these harsh ingredients that should be avoided?

Oxybenzone is the worst, as not only is this a hormone disruptor but it is also a potential allergen and trigger for asthma attacks. It is also not recommended for those with very sensitive skin types.

Octinoxate is an ingredient that can give people an itchy or prickly feeling on their face as well as other parts of their body where it comes into contact with bare skin.

A bonus to avoiding these ingredients is that they are often responsible for the sunscreen’s scent, which can be very aggravating.

2. Sunscreen Is A Must For People With Allergies

For those with allergies or certain health conditions, choosing the right sunscreen is crucial to maintaining their health and wellness.

The most common of these conditions that require specific treatment is easily sun allergy. This means that if ultraviolet rays come into contact with your skin it will automatically cause you to break out in hives wherever they touch you.

Sometimes this also extends to getting a rash all over your body. So it’s important not only to avoid getting burned but also any sort of swelling or irritation on your face or other parts of your body affected by the sun.

To combat this awful reaction, make sure you choose sunscreen that has anti-inflammatory properties to avoid irritation.

3. How To Pick The Right Sunscreen For Your Skin Type

In terms of your skin type, three categories can help guide you into finding the best sunscreen for it: dry skin, sensitive skin, and oily skin.

They all have specific needs when it comes to sun protection so choosing the correct one is crucial in preventing serious damage from ultraviolet rays.

Dry Skin

Those who suffer from dry skin don’t usually produce as much sebum as those with oily or sensitive types so they need a product that has moisturizing components as well as something to prevent them from getting too greasy or oily.

Those with dry skin are also usually more sensitive to ingredients that can cause damage, so it’s important to look for an ingredient list before buying anything.

Sensitive Skin

You’ll need something hypoallergenic and very gentle on your body.

While people with this type of skin often have a hard time finding sunscreens that don’t immediately irritate them, there are many options out there that won’t give them hives or make their face swell up in response to the sun.

It’s also important to stay away from ingredients like linalool or limonene if you have sensitive skin as they are known allergens.

If you have sensitive skin, sunscreen should be applied every two hours at a maximum.

Oily Skin

People with this type of skin need something that will absorb the excess oils on their face and body which makes it easier to choose a sunscreen that is matte or powdery in some way.

The benefit of choosing one of these is that you don’t have to worry about getting a greasy, shiny face by the end of your day!

4. Mineral vs Chemical Sunscreen

There are two major types of sunscreen to choose from, mineral and chemical. Using one over the other can be very important when it comes to your specific skin type.

First up is a mineral sunscreen, which contains ingredients like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide that protect against ultraviolet radiation.

The benefit of using this type of sunscreen is that they sit on top of the skin and block out ultraviolet rays like a physical shield.

Also, they are usually less prone to irritation and hypoallergenic. But they aren’t as cosmetically pleasing as chemical sunscreen which provides more coverage.

The Takeaway

With all of these clever tips to choose the ideal sunscreen for your skin type, you won’t be heading out into the sun without protection ever again!

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