The Benefits Of Drinking Infused Water And Staying HydratedBy drinking infused water and staying hydrated, you can prevent kidney diseases, lose weight, reduce fatigue, rejuvenate your skin, and more. Mark Norey, CPT 5 years ago
How To Drink More Water To Stay HydratedThe best thing you can put in your body above all else is something many of us don’t get enough: water. Here's how to drink more water. Beth Williams 9 years ago
Does Sweating More Make You Lose More Weight?Do heated workouts or those that cause sweating a lot help you burn more calories and therefore lose weight faster? The answer may surprise you. Mark Norey, CPT 10 years ago
10 Insignificant Things That Are Preventing You To Shed Excess PoundsTry to improve or even get rid of these 10 "bad habits" that might hold you back when trying to shed excess pounds and lose weight. Mark Norey, CPT 11 years ago
There Are More Options To Hydrate Yourself Than By Drinking WaterThroughout the year, but especially in summer, you must hydrate your body. Although it might seem easy, water isn't always the best option. Mark Norey, CPT 11 years ago