Crucial Tips To Protect Your Health When Sitting At The Office

Crucial Tips To Protect Your Health When Sitting At The Office

Every office job description should have these tips as a set of rules to help protect your health.

Modern life, with all its conveniences, has created millions of jobs that save many of us from breaking our backs doing hard physical labor… or has it?

While working a 9 – 5 in an office may not seem physically intensive – and it’s not. But working in a sedentary position has consequences that can cause a number of health issues in the long run.

From neck, shoulder and back pain to carpal tunnel syndrome, office health is more than just a cosmetic issue. It’s something every office worker should keep in their mind while they go about their daily tasks.

It’s not without hope, however, there are a number of different approaches you can try to protect your health while working in an office.

3 Ways To Protect Your Health

Here are the 3 things you need to keep in mind every time you’re sitting at your desk:

1. Take Care Of Your Eyes

Staring at a bright screen for eight hours a day isn’t good for your eyes. In fact, it’s very likely to make your eyes dry, itchy and irritable.

To prevent this, try positioning your screen so that it doesn’t receive a glare from outdoor or harsh overhead lights, taking breaks from looking at your screen and blinking more often.

If you wear glasses, you should also ensure that your prescription is up to date to reduce unnecessary eye strain.

Online companies such as Edel Optics allow you to virtually try on and buy glasses online. This means you can always stay up to date with fashion, without having to buy costly glasses from an optometrist, and have an up-to-date prescription to relieve eye strain.

2. Correct Your Posture

Slouching in an office chair all day isn’t doing your back, neck or shoulders any favors. Try to remember to sit up straight at all times to maintain a straight back.

If it hasn’t been done already, talk to your company about getting an ergonomic office chair that encourages correct sitting form.

You might also be tempted to sit on an exercise ball; it might sound strange but the unusual shape of it makes it more difficult to slouch and engages previously unused muscles in your back and core.

3. Set Up Your Work Station Ergonomically

When it comes to minimizing injury, having an ergonomically optimized workspace is crucial. To encourage a natural posture, ensure that your keyboard, mouse, desk height and monitors are set up correctly.

Your desk should never be too high but positioned in a way that keeps your elbows at your side and your arms below a 90-degree angle when typing or using your mouse.

Your monitors should be positioned so that they are an arm’s length away from you and the tops of them should be at your eye level, meaning that you always look down as you work, not up.

Let me know your own ideas on how to protect your health when working in an office. And check the following infographic for more details on how to set up your office properly:

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