Brilliant Keto Diet Tips For Confused Beginners

Brilliant Keto Diet Tips For Confused Beginners

Thinking of going on a ketogenic diet? Don’t start without assimilating these keto diet tips; they’ll make your journey so much easier.

In the past few years, the ketogenic diet has created massive waves in the nutrition industry.

Nowadays, more and more studies are showing signs that the diet is great for weight loss and overall health.

And plenty of celebrities have also endorsed the diet, claiming it’s the secret behind their impeccable physiques.

But if you are brand new to the ketogenic lifestyle, these keto diet tips will help you start the program with a boost and follow it without driving yourself crazy.

More On The Ketogenic Lifestyle

Now, before listing the keto diet tips you’re here for, I’d like to share some things about the keto diet, the science behind it, its benefits, and the main types of the ketogenic diet.

You may find this information in detail in some of the previous articles, so I’ll be short on this here.

Ketogenic essentially means low in carbs and high in fat. You cut out carbs from your diet and increase the quantity and quality of protein- and fat-rich foods.

Similar to the Atkins diet, the Ketogenic diet reduces the intake of carbohydrates and promotes the ingestion of protein and fat.

While the Keto diet is certainly something of a fad, the science backs up its amazing weight-loss claims.

By cutting down to less than 50 grams of carbs per day, the body has to break down protein and fat for its energy, which leads to weight loss. The term for this process is called ketosis and it begins a few days into the diet.

The Keto diet is proven to help people with weight loss, but it can also reduce the risk of diabetes and epilepsy. The diet can also help to reduce high blood sugar and insulin levels.

More health benefits of the ketogenic diet can be found here: 5 More Keto Diet Benefits In Addition To Weight Loss.

Now, you might wonder if there is more than one version of this low-carb high-protein diet? Actually, there are four main types of the keto diet:

  1. Standard ketogenic diet – low-carb, moderate protein, and high-fat.
  2. Cyclical ketogenic diet – involves doing the diet in cycles. Usually, you will do a 5 day period of a low-carb diet followed by 2 days of a high-carb diet.
  3. Targeted ketogenic diet- this approach allows for high-carb meals close to intense workouts.
  4. High-protein ketogenic diet – similar to the standard Keto diet, this version includes more protein and less fat.

Essential Keto Diet Tips Every Dieter Should Know

If you like the sound of the Keto diet but are worried about the side effects like headaches and irritability, here are a few keto diet tips on how to make it a bit easier:

1. Check Your Vegetables For Their Carb Quantity

Many people don’t realize that some vegetables are actually high in carbs. Potatoes, peas, corn, and squash are amongst the vegetables packed with carbs.

And don’t forget about the meats. They can also “hide” their carb content. For example, chicken wings and breaded meats contain a huge amount of carbs.

Other products that might contain a high amount of carbs are low-fat yogurts, milk, and fruits. Be careful with these.

Do the research before embarking on the diet to make sure you help your body reach ketosis quickly.

2. Include Oils In Your Recipes

Drizzle some olive oil over the meal and you’ll be giving your body some extra healthy fats.

And to speed up the process of getting into the ketosis process, try supplementing your meals with MCT oil. Talking about supplements which leads us to the next keto diet tip.

3. Take Nutritional Supplements

Nutritional supplements such as Keto Guru are a perfect boost for the ketogenic diet. They’re filled with extracts of amino acid, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B3, and vitamin B6.

Supplements help to support the body while it goes through ketosis by enhancing metabolic activity and reducing food cravings.

4. Try Intermittent Fasting

Reducing the carb intake alone won’t bring you instant results. Weight loss is a lengthy process that takes time and effort to transform your body.

So to speed up the fat-burning process and get into ketosis faster, you can implement an intermittent fasting strategy along with your keto lifestyle.

For example, skip breakfast a few days in a row. This way, you’ll fast for about 16 hours (considering that the dinner is at 6 PM).

5. Reduce Stress Factors

Stress and ketosis don’t mix. Avoid following the ketogenic diet if you’re stressed because it will block your body from burning fats for energy. And you might end up being more stressed than before.

The same goes for poor sleep. If you have problems with sleeping, it’s better to avoid going on the keto diet.

6. Stay Hydrated

Whether you’re on the ketogenic diet, the Dukan Diet, or the Mediterranean diet, staying hydrated is mandatory. Every part of your body works better if you drink your eight glasses of water daily.

Water is necessary regardless of the diet you’re on. But the keto diet makes it even more important since the body eliminates more water when carbohydrates are missing.

7. Increase Salt Intake

Tha lack of carbohydrates leads to low insulin levels which affect the body’s ability to retain sodium. This isn’t good because you might end up experiencing electrolyte imbalances.

Some of the symptoms of electrolyte imbalance are a racing heart, dizziness, bloating, constipation, and headache. You don’t want any of these!

You may be hesitant at the idea of giving up bread and pastries, but these keto diet tips really do work. It’s well worth trying the diet to see if it works for you.

Remember to listen to yourself and try something else if the low-carb diet doesn’t suit your body.

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