DIY At Home: Hair Care And Treatment In 5 Easy Ways

DIY At Home: Hair Care And Treatment In 5 Easy Ways

Want to flaunt your hair like a model? Then ditch those fancy hair products and use these natural hair care treatments you can do at home.

In a bid to get lustrous, shiny and vibrant hair , many people try expensive shampoos and other hair care products but do not achieve the desired results.

Instead of these expensive hair care products, you can use natural ways to get great hair.

DIY Hair Care Treatments

Here are five hair care treatments you can easily do at home:

1. Egg Treatment

Using Eggs As Hair Care And Treatment

You can use an egg to condition your hair at home.

The yolk in the egg is rich in fats and proteins and moisturizes your hair while the white egg contains bacteria-eating enzymes that remove unwanted oils.

For normal hair use the entire egg, for oily hair use egg white, and if you have dry and brittle hair use the egg yolk.

Apply the egg mixture that is right for your hair type on damp hair and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water and enjoy beautiful and healthy hair.

2. Avocado, Olive Oil, And ACV

Using Avocado As Hair Care And Treatment

You can use various natural products such as avocado, olive oil, and apple cider vinegar to repair damaged hair at home.

Avocados contain vitamins, essential fatty acids and minerals to restore luster to your hair.

Mash a ripe avocado with an egg, apply to your wet hair and leave for 20 minutes then rinse well.

Use a half cup of olive oil to restore moisture to your dry hair.

In addition, you can repair damaged hair with apple cider vinegar that smoothes hair cuticles to make your hair beautiful and vibrant.

3. Honey Therapy

Using Honey As Hair Care And Treatment

Use honey to hydrate your hair and for shiny soft hair.

Honey is a natural humectant that attracts and locks in moisture.

Mix one cup of your conditioner with 3 tablespoons of honey and apply it evenly to your wet hair. Leave it for 30 minutes, wash it and you will be amazed by the incredible shine your hair will get.

4. Onion Juice

Using Onions As Hair Care And Treatment

Onions have numerous benefits for your hair because they are rich in antibacterial and antifungal properties.

They also contain sulfur that increases collagen production in tissues and accelerates hair growth.

By using onions, you can minimize hair breakage and loss, fight scalp infections, prevent dandruff, and enhance hair shine.

Apply onion juice on your scalp and let it rest for 10-15 minutes then rinse well.

5. Cleanliness Is Key

5 DIY Hair Care And Treatments

Wash your hair often to prevent dandruff and itchy scalp.

Washing your hair removes dirt, debris, odors, sweat, and excess oils to keep hair gorgeous, healthy, and beautiful.

If you have fine hair, you should wash it regularly to prevent it from looking oily and limp.

Do not use hot water to clean your hair because it makes your hair dry and removes protective oils from it.

You don’t have to visit an expensive salon or hair spa for hair care and treatment.

Just use natural remedies that are available and affordable to care for your hair at home and say goodbye to costly chemical leached hair products.

Use one of these DIY hair care treatments and get ready for healthy and vibrant hair.

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