You have reached your desired weight? What To Do Next?

You have reached your desired weight? What To Do Next?

Learn What To Do After You Reach Your Desired Weight

You have reached your desired weight ? Then keep up with rules that respects your body’s needs. And don’t quickly switch to another type of diet .

One of the biggest mistakes is to go from one diet to another. When you lose weight, lose fat and muscle. When you gain weight , only accumulate fat. Loss of muscle mass is not only aesthetically regrettable . Active mass which means less fat is metabolized , with movement .

And avoid extremes . For example, do not consume meat products mainly for the reason that lean protein .

– eat bread, but no more than 2 slices per day;

– vegetables;

– fruits are required , but only between meals and pair them with something else;

– no milk products in combination with other foods.

If you stick with the 2000 calories daily , 400 calories should be from fat fish, cold pressed oil, raw seeds . This means 50 grams of fish, a tablespoon of oil and a teaspoon of seeds per day.

They are recommended as the food that we rely on when we want to get rid of extra pounds , but actually they are very caloric . Here’s what food you must give up to when you’re dieting.

Ideal desired weight

Diet Soda , Liquid Which Adds Pounds

Although it has fewer calories and a low intake of sugar, diet soda may have an effect contrary to expectations of those who consume it. A study says that people who drank diet soda every day have gained . Nutrition experts have an exact explanation for this effect , but tend to believe that in the absence of sugar the body will try to supplement their intake with other foods .

Frozen Foods

These types of foods are only good in one sense because we learn to eat portions . The truth is that frozen foods have many sugars and sodium in them, and not related to hunger. So after dinner that includes frozen foods, for a lot of people who are prepared to diet this is not enough and resort to eating more. A preparation indicated to maintain a perfect figure is a serving of pasta with fiber.

Fruit Yogurts

Yogurts are a very good solution for diet , especially because they contain calcium and protein, substances that will help to relieve hunger . However, fruit flavored yogurts are composed sugar and calories that can sabotage the plans of those who wish to follow a diet .

reached your desired weight

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