The Health Benefits Of Aerial Yoga That Make It So Special

The Health Benefits Of Aerial Yoga That Make It So Special

Have you heard about aerial yoga? Besides being a fun way of getting in shape, here are all the reasons this exercise is so popular.

As far as health and fitness are concerned, the world continues to witness innovations and variations to make working and staying in shape a lifestyle.

Trends like yoga and Zumba, along with several other holistic wellness activities and diet plans, come every now and then and worm its way into cultures.

Just recently, one particular type of yoga – the aerial yoga – promises a fun way of working out and staying in shape. Yes, you heard it right! Experts are promising to incorporate FUN into the workout.

In fact, not only that, some do say that by simply suspending yourself in the air on a yoga swing for 30 minutes can help one get a healthy mind and body while losing weight.

Benefits Of Aerial Yoga

These gorgeous, gravity-defying poses, according to experts don’t require one to be an expert acrobat.

Contrary to popular belief, aerial or antigravity workouts, like the ones made popular by Instagram, are attracting newbies and devoted yogis with the promise of burning as many calories as power walking.

It promises to burn as much as 320 calories in one 50-minute session and improve your shoulder and spinal flexibility while loosening up tensed bones and muscles.

Aside from these already known facts, here are a few more benefits to aerial workouts that would make you want to try it:

1. It’s One Of The Best Ab Workouts Around

Lindsey Duggan, owner of AIR Aerial Fitness in Los Angeles had said that doing aerial yoga gets you engaging your core for stability, which helps in developing core muscles.

Apparently, the benefits don’t end there because as aerial yoga engages your core muscles while swinging in the air, your ab workouts become more fun and bearable.

2. You’ll Flip – Literally!

Imagine how much fun it is getting to swing and flip back and forth and play acrobat for an hour?

Suddenly you’re doing gorgeous on-air tricks that look hot while having fun. Duggan calls it the “fun factor” which makes the classes more appealing.

True enough, nobody definitely needs research to know that enjoying something, even if it is your workout, will make you do it more often.

3. It Counts As Cardio Too

Researchers figured that aerial flips and twists results in full-body firming.

According to experts, people who engage in aerial yoga increased their muscle mass and decreased their fat mass all over. This translates to strength-building benefits, aligning it with other, more traditional forms of cardio exercises.

4. It’s A Zero-Impact

Whether or not you have knee or back problems, low- or no-impact workouts are great and aerial yoga always go easy on the joints.

5. You’ll Walk Away Feeling Zen

Many studies have long revealed that activities involving both the mind and the body reduce stress. Like these activities, aerial yoga does too.

Studies say that getting on with aerial yoga workouts can actually induce increased endorphin levels, which makes you feel happier.

Many yoga classes already incorporate swings and hammock swinging towards the end of each session. Talk about blissing out!

If being a happier health buff does not get you started with aerial yoga, perhaps the fact that it now qualifies as a moderate-intensity workout comparable to other more athletic workout activities would.

Lance Dalleck, Ph.D., an assistant professor of exercise and sports science at Western State Colorado University had said that just by getting on a yoga swing and experimenting with poses fused with HIIT and Pilates should “elicit an even more intense physiological response.” Translation: bigger results!

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