There Are Times When You Should NOT Exercise

There Are Times When You Should NOT Exercise

Is It OK To Exercise When…

… You’ve Got A Fever?

NO. Your body’s immune system is already fighting an infection, so it shouldn’t deal with stress of exercise too.

… You’ve Got A Cold?

YES. Low-intensity workouts at home are fine when you’ve got a common cold. But if you still need to go to the gym to work out, make sure to use hand sanitizer and clean any dumbbells, kettlebells, or any other machines you touch. If possible, avoid going to the gym and try to do some low-intensity exercises at home. This way you’ll avoid contaminating other people in your gym.

… You’ve Got The Flu?

NO.  The gym is not the place you want to be when you’ve got the flu. While the fever comes with the flu, try lying on your sofa until you recover.

… You’re Too Tired To Exercise After A Sleepless Night?

YES. You’re never too tired for a morning jog, go get out for a run to boost your energy level and get you ready for the rest of the day.

… Your Muscles Are Sore?

YES. You can exercise, but try switching from a HIIT to a low-intensity workout. So instead of running, opt for a walk or a light jog. If you feel too sore, you can also skip gym for a day or two.

… You Recently Had A Concussion?

NO. Even if you’re feeling good, you should not exercise or apply any effort until your doctor gives you the permission to do so. Give your brain the time it needs to recover and heal properly after a concussion.

… You’re Pregnant?

YES. There are a lot of light exercises for pregnant women like yoga, walking, swimming or other low-intensity exercises. Be sure to ask your doctor for advice, stay hydrated all the time, take breaks every time you need and avoid getting overheated.

… Your Old Injury Is Bothering You?

NO. Pain is not a good sign when it comes from an old sports injury, so go ask for your doctor’s advice. Skip your workout because sudden pain requires immediate medical attention.

When NOT to exercise

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