17 Ways You’ve Been Eating Breakfast Wrong This Whole Time

You’re eating breakfast wrong, even if you think you’re having breakfast the healthy and right way. No matter how good you are at this, there are even better ways to prepare a healthy breakfast meal.

I’m not saying these are the only right ways you can make your morning meal, but they’re definitely the easiest and fastest ways to prepare the most delicious breakfast.

Check this list with breakfast hacks and give them a try to see that you’ve been eating breakfast wrong this whole time. Enjoy!

17 Ways You're Eating Breakfast Wrong

You Make Scrambled Eggs In A Pan You Open New Cereal From The Top Of The Bag You Eat Yogurt And Drink Coffee You're Eating Breakfast Wrong If You Cook Your Oatmeal You Pour Cereal From The Box You Pour Milk After Cereals You Eat Cereal In A Bowl You Cook Eggs Every Single Morning You Eat Yogurt With A Spoon You Cook Pancakes On The Stove You Top Your Toast With Jam You Eat Fruit-Flavored Yogurt You Use A Kettle To Make A Cup Of Tea You Slice Bananas For Peanut Butter Toast You Drink Juice You Add Ice To Your Smoothie You Don't Eat Breakfast

You Make Scrambled Eggs In A Pan

Fry Eggs In A Mug

Scrambled eggs made in the pan are not healthy at all! Instead, cook it for about one minute in the microwave, in a microwave-save mug.

What you’ll get is a super-fluffy omelette without extra fats from the greasy cooking oil. Also, you’ll have fewer dishes to clean. You’re welcome!

You Open New Cereal From The Top Of The Bag

Opening Cereal Box

Avoid being stuck with just crumbs when you reach the bottom of the cereal bag by simply flipping the box/bag before opening it. Easy, but I bet you didn’t think of that.

You Eat Yogurt And Drink Coffee

Drink Coffee With Yogurt

Instead of drinking coffee and eating a yogurt for breakfast, why not blend them together? Add some ice cubes and a little sweetener and your caffeine-packed breakfast is ready!

You’re Eating Breakfast Wrong If You Cook Your Oatmeal

Don't Cook Your Oatmeal

When you wake up a little bit later in the morning, even instant oatmeal takes like forever to cook and cool down. In this case, a no-cook, overnight oatmeal would be perfect:

  1. In the evening, combine equal amounts of milk and oatmeal in a mug/mason jar.
  2. Add a few dried fruits and maple syrup for sweetness.
  3. Sprinkle cinnamon if you are a fan.
  4. Cover it and let it cool down overnight, in the fridge.
  5. In the morning, you can just grab the soften overnight oatmeal and eat it. No prep time in the morning.

You Pour Cereal From The Box

Pour Cereal From A Measuring Cup

Even though you enjoy those crunchy cereals, I’m sure being healthy is more important for you. So keep your serving size in check and don’t pour the entire box of cereals in your bowl. Instead, use a measuring cup.

You Pour Milk After Cereals

Pour Cereal After Milk

If you like the pool of milk at the bottom of the cereals bowl, then continue eating breakfast wrong! But for those who want the “perfect” cereal-to-milk ratio, pour half a cup milk in the bowl, then add a scoop of cereals.

You Eat Cereal In A Bowl

Eat Cereal In A Coffee Cup

It’s so easy to overeat when you’re eating your cereals in a bowl, which often holds more than one serving of cereals. Use a smaller cup instead, such as teacups or mugs.

You Cook Eggs Every Single Morning

Cook Eggs Every Single Morning

Instead of cooking eggs every morning, prepare all of them at once, for the entire week. You’ll save a lot of time and effort. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Crack the eggs in a big bowl, add the spices you want and scramble them.
  2. Grease a muffin pan and pour the eggs evenly in each muffin cup.
  3. Bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes, until it’s done.
  4. Cover with foil and store in the fridge.
  5. Reheat in the morning and your breakfast is served in under 2 minutes.

You Eat Yogurt With A Spoon

Eat Yogurt Without Spoon

Using a spoon is the easiest way to eat your yogurt and this doesn’t mean you’re eating breakfast wrong. But there are a couple of ways you can still enjoy your yogurt if you’ve lost all the spoons:

  1. Make yourself a yogurt pop by sticking a popsicle stick through the lid and freezing it.
  2. Create a scoop from the foil lid (if it has one) and enjoy the yogurt.

You Cook Pancakes On The Stove

Cook Pancakes In The Microwaves

Unless you’re cooking pancakes for the whole family, it doesn’t worth the mess. Here’s what to do if it’s just yourself:

  1. In a mug, whisk 1/4 cup Bisquick with a fork.
  2. Add milk until the mug is half full.
  3. Microwave it for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Enjoy your fluffy mug pancake.

You Top Your Toast With Jam

Top Toast With Peanut Butter

Unless you want a carbs-only meal for breakfast, toast with jam = you’re eating breakfast wrong!

To add more nutrients and proteins, and feel more packed with energy, top the toast with cream cheese, peanut butter, or even deli meat.

You Eat Fruit-Flavored Yogurt

Eat Yogurt With Fruits

Fruit-flavoured yogurt has more sugar than protein, so switch to plain Greek yogurt. This one has more protein than sugar and it’s really easy to make it even more delicious:

  • To sweeten the yogurt, add some fruits, frozen or diced. This will also add some extra fiber!
  • Add a tablespoon of peanut butter or a few almonds to keep you full for longer.
  • Spice it up a little with some cinnamon or cocoa powder.

You Use A Kettle To Make A Cup Of Tea

Make Tea With A Coffee Maker

If you’re making your morning tea in a classic tea pot, then you’re eating breakfast wrong! It takes too long to prepare it, and you also have to wait too long for the tea to cool down. Here’s how to save time when making your tea in the morning:

  1. Put a tea bag in the coffee pod compartment of your single-serving coffee maker.
  2. The tea will steep while the water drips and come out the perfect temperature.
  3. Enjoy a super-fast cup of tea!

You Slice Bananas For Peanut Butter Toast


Instead of the toast with peanut butter and banana slices, make yourself a banana hot dog. Cut a hot dog bun in half, spread both sides with peanut butter and put a whole banana inside. Save time and get the best ratio of nutrients in every bite.

You Drink Juice

Drink Water Instead Of Juice

If you really want to lose weight, or to maintain your weight, make water your favourite drink! It’s the only liquid with ZERO calories and the only liquid you’ll ever need to quench your thirst.

You Add Ice To Your Smoothie

Add Less Ice To Your Smoothie

If you add too much ice to your smoothie, the taste of the fruits fades. So why not using frozen fruits and less or none ice cubes? You know you have to try it!

You Don’t Eat Breakfast

Skipping Breakfast

Y U NO EAT BREAKFAST? You’re eating breakfast wrong! Because yes, you’ll eat breakfast, eventually, just not in the morning.

You should eat a fruit or something even if you don’t get hungry in the morning. This way you’ll avoid later pig-outs when they inevitably hit.

Images credits: Kathleen Kamphausen for Cosmopolitan

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