Six Simple Ways To Stay Healthy In The Office

Six Simple Ways To Stay Healthy In The Office

Eating healthy and exercising at home shouldn’t be the only ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here’s how you can stay healthy in the office too.

When you spend five or more hours, in the same position, day after day, month after month — regardless of what position — your body is going to suffer. No matter what.

Even if you’re sitting upright, as natural as it can be. Your physical body is going to feel the bad effects of that position.

Being healthy is paramount to running a successful chiropractic office. Having chiropractic soap notes software makes it easier for you to keep track of billing, scheduling as well as keeping patient data organized.

That way you can spend less time on administrative tasks and more time staying healthy. And this is valid for all those who work in an office, not just for chiropractors.

You may be one of the thousands of office workers who are unhealthier than ever. So here are six things you should do to successfully stay healthy in the office.

How To Stay Healthy In The Office

How To Stay Healthy In The Office

Being healthy is not an easy task, especially when your job demands a lot of office work. But with the help of these simple tips, you may be able to make a step further toward a healthier body, mind, and lifestyle.

So here’s how you can work from 9 to five and still taking care of your overall health:

1. Ditch Candy Bowls

Many health experts and nutritionists agree that a large part of our health is due to our diet.

Therefore, replacing all the candy bowls with fruit bowls is incredibly beneficial to the health of everyone in that office.

You could even have a survey of everyone’s favorite fruit, and have one bowl that contains only those fruits.

Also, you can consider fruits that provide high-energy, such as bananas, apples, kiwi, avocado, etc.

2. Fix Your Posture!

Without a doubt, the majority of society slumps forward and hunches over.

There is a significantly small percentage of people in America who stand up straight. These are the people who don’t suffer lower back problems.

When your spinal column is “set” in one position, due to poor posture, your inter-vertebral discs will stiffen.

You may also suffer a hernia, sprains, or strains.

3. Beat The Lull

A lot of people feel a strong dip in their energy afternoon, particularly after a heavy lunch. It’s hard for certain people to beat the afternoon lull.

This is likely due to dehydration, which has been scientifically proven to make you less energetic.

Drinking 16 oz. of water a day, thus keeping you fully hydrated, will keep your energy levels stable, and give you mental clarity.

Staying hydrated at work is important to maintain focus and clarity.

4. Plan Your Meals

This next step requires discipline and can be difficult to implement in your day. The effects are so worth it.

The night before, make a plan for the food you will eat for the next day. Pack those foods into a regular cooler. You will only eat the food in that cooler.

Doing so will keep you from overeating, which a lot of people suffer from doing – leading towards indulging in too many calories, which leads to high cholesterol, which can lead to blood clots, which can lead to…etc.

5. Make Yourself Exercise

You’ve heard of the health benefits of taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Other things you can do to keep yourself active, admirably young and impressively fit is to do air squats throughout the day.

This is because squats are arguably one of the best “all-time” exercises anyone can do to increase their health and strength. And they can be done anywhere, including at work.

6. Kick Out Stress

Cortisol (the stress hormone) in small amounts can push you to do more work. When you “crank up the engine” and let stress take over your life, you are asking for trouble.

Stress puts our immune systems through the ringer, can cause us to blow up at our colleagues, peers, and our boss, or make us feel negative and low about ourselves – destroying our self-esteem.

Stretching at work is the simplest way of defeating stress and trying to stay healthy in the office.

Twenty four hours is not a lot of time. Over six to nine hours are typically spent sleeping. That leaves eighteen or fewer hours we’re awake and active.

In a typical workday, over six hours are spent at the office. That leaves less than twelve hours, give or take, for living a healthy (and happy) life.

So why don’t you try to stay healthy in the office too?

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