How Does CBD Actually Make You Feel?

How Does CBD Actually Make You Feel?

CBD stands for cannabidiol, one of the active compounds in the cannabis plant that is responsible for a number of remarkable health benefits.

The popularity of CBD oil for repairing and maintaining good health (and making you feel great in the process) has surged in recent years on the back of mounting scientific evidence of the outstanding attributes of this compound.

Consumers understandably might have many misconceptions about this product because it is derived from the cannabis plant. That’s the same one often derided as just serving the purpose of “getting high”.

In fact, CBD contains no significant amounts of THC and does not have any psychoactive effects.

Many people take CBD and go about their days working, learning, exercising, and living normally.

Furthermore, the evidence is clear that CBD is completely safe. Overdosing is virtually impossible and there have never been any recorded deaths from CBD or any other cannabis-derived product in the long history of its use.

So how does it feel to add CBD to your daily routine? What changes can you expect in your day-to-day life? We’ll answer those questions here.


THC, as we mentioned, is the active ingredient in marijuana responsible for the “high”. And it can include changes in perception, euphoria, paranoia, enhanced visuals, and difficulty remember things like where you put your keys.

The effects of THC consumption, which can be consumed via smoking or through “edible” marijuana products that are now popular in states that have legalized cannabis, usually last a few hours.

In addition to impairing your ability to drive or operate machinery, many people find that using THC inhibits their overall ability to function, making it a poor option for use throughout the day.

CBD, on the other hand, causes no impairment and it does not get the user “high”.

CBD contains such minuscule amounts of THC that the effects from the THC portion of CBD are not noticeable.

Instead, CBD exerts powerful medicinal activity in a variety of ways which we will explore further below.

Users should be aware, though, that CBD may, in some instances, trigger a “positive” result on a drug test. So keep that in mind if you have an upcoming screening for work or some other purpose.

The Mental And Mood-Enhancing Aspects Of CBD

CBD packs a powerful boost for your cognitive and mental faculties, as well as improving your overall mood and promoting “relaxation”.

The anxiolytic (anxiety-soothing) effects of CBD have become an area of intense interest for researchers in recent years and the results are very promising.

Study after study shows an impressive reduction in anxiety. This can be a godsend for patients who have struggled with anxiety for years, which is a major problem in the United States and other developed countries.

The stresses of day-to-day life combined with our sedentary lifestyles and poor diets are a recipe for poor mental health. And as a result, anxiety and other mental health conditions have soared.

Furthermore, the most common pharmaceutical treatments for anxiety, such as benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, etc.) carry significant risks of addiction and enormous side effects such as dementia over extended periods of use.

Chances are you know someone who suffers from anxiety. CBD may help them feel better without the risks associated with other treatments.

Most users will report a feeling of increased relaxation. CBD is popularly consumed prior to bedtime because of this action. It promotes sleep and allows users to wake up feeling refreshed.

The Painkilling Effects Of CBD

In addition to its mental effects, CBD also has physical effects. The most notable use in this regard is for the treatment of chronic pain.

CBD can be very effective at reducing or eliminating stubborn physical pain. But, unfortunately, it is not widely prescribed to arthritis patients and people dealing with long-term pain from back injuries.

Not only is it proven to be effective, but it carries none of the addiction risk that other medications for pain like opioids do.

Also, does CBD help headaches? Yes, it does, but it hasn’t yet been scientifically proved. According to a recent survey, over 85% of migraine sufferers found relief when they consumed CBD products.

The survey demonstrates the incredible painkilling effects of CBD and asks for further studies to properly research and document the phenomenon.

Common Side Effects

Although CBD is safe, there are a few side effects that a minority of users might expect to experience when taking the compound.

Common examples include diarrhea, drowsiness, hunger, dry mouth, and dizziness.

The side effects of CBD vary drastically from person to person. So the best way to safely figure out how CBD affects you is to carefully play with the dosage.

So start small with a low dosage and work your way up until you find the ideal dose for you to achieve the results you are looking for.

The Biphasic Nature Of CBD

CBD is biphasic, meaning that it can affect an individual differently over time and depending on the dosage.

This can mean that while CBD can have sleep-inducing properties at a certain dosage, for example, it will actually cause alertness and a boost in energy if taken at a higher dosage.

The only way to know for sure how CBD will affect you at different levels is to experiment. Begin with low dosages for safety and slowly work your way to higher amounts.

The Takeaway

CBD is a remarkable compound that has generally positive effects on the way that users feel. Each person reacts differently. So the only definitive statements about how it affects the user can be made in the general sense.

The good news, though, is that CBD is safe. This means you can find out on your own exactly how it makes you feel by trying it out.

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