Fruit And Calories Content

Fruit And Calories Content


Peach blossom was celebrated in China and Japan as a symbol of renewal and fecundity. Celebrations held in Japan in honor of peach blossoms (momo) adds to this the notion of purity and fidelity. Peach then crossed India and Persia, to reach the Romans, who received him with open arms.

100 Grams of fruit contain:

– Calories: 50;
– Carbohydrate 12 g;
– Glycemic index: 42;
– Fiber: 1.4;
– Vitamin C: 8 mg;
– Magnesium: 8 mg.


Originally from China, orange followed the silk road like the mandarin. Later, he came around the Mediterranean, making part of the Mediterranean landscape. Oranges are some of the best winter fruit, supplying vitamin deficiency. Orange is remineralizing, anti-infective, digestive, diuretic and laxative. Shown in convalescence, anemia, anorexia, demineralization and prevention of infectious diseases.

100 Grams of fruit contain:

– Calories: 39;
– Carbohydrates: 8.5 g;
– Glycemic index: 44;
– Fiber: 2 g;
– Vitamin C 50 mg;
– Magnesium: 13 mg.


In painting the Far East, plum tree is a symbol of spring, but in the meantime, flourished at the end of it, it indicates renewal, youth who are about to manifest. In Japan, plum appears in luck-bearing plants. Plum fruits are energetic, diuretics, laxatives are indicated in asthenia, anemia, fatigue, atherosclerosis.

100 Grams of fruit contain:

– Calories: 52;
– Carbohydrate 12 g;
– Fiber: 2.5;
– Vitamin C: 3 mg;
– Magnesium: 8 mg.

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