How To Become A Top Personal Trainer Online

How To Become A Top Personal Trainer Online

If you wanna be a top personal trainer during the pandemic, there’s a set of skills, knowledge, and qualifications you need to master.

Health and fitness are a booming industry across the world, with thousands of people searching for personal trainers and coaches every week.

If you have a passion for all things fitness, why not consider retraining as a personal trainer? This way you can earn an extra income during times like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here’s what you need to do as a PT, and what skills and qualifications you need to pursue this fitness career.

What Does A Personal Trainer Do?

Obviously, one of the main roles of a personal trainer is to develop exercise plans which help their clients to achieve their own health and fitness goals. But there is more to being a trainer than you might first think.

As well as having sound knowledge of the human body, personal trainers must be able to tailor their programs to suit different individual needs, whilst monitoring and assessing their clients throughout the program to ensure safety and proper technique is being used.

Trainers are highly regarded as a way to improve your fitness faster because you are more likely to push yourself when under the guidance of a professional trainer.

Personal trainers are used by businesses to keep their staff healthy, by gyms and studios to teach classes, and they’re also privately hired by individuals.

There is a huge market for trainers which you can certainly get involved in!

What Qualifications Do You Need?

It is important that personal trainers hold relevant qualifications that allow them to practice.

Depending on the type of training you wish to do, you may need to undertake different levels of qualifications.

Level 2 Gym Instructor

The most basic personal training qualification is the level 2 gym instructor. This allows you to become a gym instructor and is a good starting point for a personal trainer.

It includes modules in anatomy and physiology, functional movement training, and circuit training.

Level 3 Personal Trainer

The next level up is one of the most popular London personal training courses – the level 3 PT course. This is perfect for those looking to become fully qualified and accredited as a personal trainer.

This includes all of the level 2 qualification as well as:

  • Advanced anatomy, nutrition, and weight management;
  • Behavior change coaching;
  • Advanced resistance training, core training, and exercise for fat loss;
  • As well as a module to help you build your fitness business.

This is a must for anyone looking to be a private trainer with their own business, able to offer their services to both individuals and groups as a private coach.

Develop Your Top Personal Training Skills Online

Whilst the world is in the grip of the covid-19 pandemic, more people are seeking alternative ways to learn.

The best way to gain a qualification at this time is to undertake online learning. You can still gain the right qualifications to be a personal trainer, but with all the course content delivered online for you to study in your own time.

This works out well for people who still need to have employment or have family and childcare needs to consider, as you can work in your own time.

Another great benefit of online learning for personal trainers is that you can work at your own pace. If there is a module which you need to spend more time on, you can spend as much time as you need to develop the skills and knowledge required of the course.

This is one of the best ways to ensure you have the secure knowledge required to become a top personal trainer which can take you anywhere in the world.

Last but not least, make sure you get a personal trainer software to get things organized. This will help you look professional and show your clients that you’re fully involved in personal training.

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