How To Lose Weight With The Weight Watchers Diet

How To Lose Weight With The Weight Watchers Diet

Weight Watchers Diet, developed in the U.S. in the 60’s, is based on a diet calculated by a points system and an important social component in weight loss process involving regular meetings of practitioners of this diet.

Weight Watchers Diet is designed more as a way of life relying on easing in moderation, physical activity and support of others. Unlike traditional diets, here no one tells you what and how much to eat, and especially when.

It is not a miracle diet that helps you lose 25 pounds in a week, but a way of organizing your diet based on your points to track your goal.

How Does Weight Watchers Diet Work?

Nothing is forbidden, all foods are allowed in moderation (this is the basic principle of the Weight Watchers diet). No wonder it is considered one of the most effective diets applicable to long-term, or even lifestyle!

We encourage varied and balanced nutrition associated with regular physical activity. Most importantly, the Weight Watchers diet does not exclude the pleasure of eating.

The points system used in the Weight Watchers diet is a breakthrough in nutritional programs, it is easy to adapt to the daily or caloric needs of each of us. You can calculate one score, and you will see results on the scale boarding!

Besides the points system should not be neglected solid foods, drinking at least 2 liters of fluid per day, 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, two dairy products a day and not least regular practice of physical activity.

How Many Weight Watchers Points You Can Consume Per Day?

Each person can consume daily a number of points calculated according to the evaluation criteria (age, sex, weight, height, daily physical activity).

Here is the general table with the number of points allowed daily by the Weight Watchers diet:

(over 16 years)
(over 18 years)
  Under 65 kg182024
  Between 65 and 75 kg202226
  Between 75 and 95 kg222428
  Between 95 and 110 kg232529
  Between 110 and 125 kg242630
  Over 125 kg252730

1 kg = 2.2 pounds = 35.3 ounces

How Many Weight Watchers Points Is Each Food?

Every food has a number of points calculated according to the number of calories and fat per 100 grams. The more foods contain more fat, the more points worth.

Here is the table with some popular foods and WW points for each food:

  FoodAmountWW Points
  Cucumber / Onion / Tomatoes / Salad1 piece0
  Rice (cooked)1 cup4
  Bread, buns, crumpet1 piece or 50 g2
  Chicken soup with veggies1 cup2
  Chicken meat100 g3-5
  Pork100 g7-9
  Beef100 g4
  Big Hamburger (fast food)1 piece13
  Kebab1 piece5-7
  Fries1 medium serving10
  Omelet (2 eggs with ham)1 serving8-9
  Fish (prepared without frying)100 g4
  Pizza1 piece14
  Caesar Salad3 cups7
  Sandwich1 piece8-16
  Yogurt (with sugar and flavors)1 cup3
  Milk (1,5% fat)1 cup2
  Beer / sodas1 bottle3
  Juice (sweetened)1 cup2
  Chocolate1/2 sheet or 40 g3
  Pancakes / Croissant with chocolate1 piece3-5
  Sugar / Honey1 spoon1

100 g = 0.22 pounds = 3.53 ounces

How Many WW Points Do You Earn Through Sport Activities?

Depending on the weight and intensity level of each of the sport activities, we can calculate the number of points “won” in 60 minutes of sport according to the following table:

  WeightLow effortMedium effortHigh effort
  Under 60 kg226
  Between 60 and 70 kg237
  Between 70 and 75 kg238
  Between 75 and 80 kg248
  Between 80 and 85 kg349
  Between 85 and 90 kg3410
  Between 90 and 100 kg3511
  Between 100 and 120 kg3512
  Over 120 kg4612

1 kg = 2.2 pounds = 35.3 ounces

Physical activities with low effort are considered  “static” sports: slow walking, yoga, billiards, bowling, horseback riding, etc.

Demanding activities are those with moderate effort, such as: aerobic, basketball, cycling, dancing, bodybuilding, fitness, gymnastics, swimming easily , tennis, etc.

Activities with high effort are the exhausting sports: cycling, running/marathon, soccer, swimming, wrestling, skating, jumping rope, skiing, spinning, squash, tae-bo, etc.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Weight Watchers Diet

Since the Weight Watchers diet is supported by nutritionists that encourages a varied and balanced diet, weight loss will get a longer period than for “Spartan” diets but the most important role is to cancel “the yoyo effect”. The results are permanent (as long as they respect this lifestyle).

The pleasure of eating is the essential factor that do not cancel this diet. Physical activity allows you to earn bonus points, which can be used for small gourmet pleasures. All these pluses are in balance the minus of a slow weight loss regime, a lasting one.

A great advantage of the Weight Watchers diet is its popularity. Increasingly more manufacturers and restaurants made public Weight Watchers points (points WW) for marketed products. This keeps the motivation of participants and encourage them to create new eating habits.

Weight Watchers lifestyle is much easier and less frustrating than some strict diets that no one can keep for a long period!

You can eat what you want and when you want, but all you have to do is keep in check the quantity and quality of food consumed daily, in order not to exceed the number of points allowed!

If you want to test the effectiveness of this system, stop now the disordered eating and eat calculated according to the Weight Watchers Diet!


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