7 Simple Tips For Teaching Kids Responsibility

7 Simple Tips For Teaching Kids Responsibility

Teaching kids how to be responsible, so they can grow into self-reliant and confident adults, is not as hard as it may seem. However, it does require some work.

Here are several ways of teaching kids responsibility in simple ways they’ll understand.

7 Steps To Teaching Kids Responsibility

Here’s how to start teaching kids responsibility from an early age:

1. Start Early

Springing responsibilities on your teenager out of nowhere will backfire. Severely. Humans are creatures of habits, and we perform tasks and objectives more easily the more we do them.

Teach your child responsibilities and the importance of completing them from an early age – the earlier, the better.

This is something that The Maids can help you with. You will prevent them from becoming whiners when you ask them to pick up the mess they made.

2. Ask For Help

Children are more pleasant when they’re happy. Thus, invite your son or daughter to help with the task at hand.

Ask them to help you with certain chores and tasks, which will also show them the value of keeping the home organized.

It will also show them the filthy consequences of not doing so. (Helping keep their rooms from being a war zone.)

3. Expenses

Make sure that any money they earn is spent wisely. Teach them the difference between wanting an item or thing, and needing that thing or item.

For example, right now I want a coffee, but I need a cat litter for our cat. Without understanding the importance of what is needed, I would have spent the money on a coffee – or something as equally frivolous.

7 Simple Tips For Teaching Kids Responsibility


4. Be Responsible

We know by now that children are sponges, soaking up our behaviors and the words we use.

Whichever way we live shows them directly that living this way is acceptable. Therefore, if we’re constantly stressed, they will grow to be stressed (for no reason at all) as they grow older.

5. Praise Them

Everybody wants to be praised – whether we deserve it or not.

It is ingrained in our DNA to seek acceptance, acknowledgment, and to be complimented. It makes us feel positive and boosts our happiness.

Showing your pride in them after they do something you asked them, will teach them to be responsible in the future and not the stereotypical whiny kids we know spoiled teens to be.

6. Avoid Rewards

By all means, offer rewards for jobs well done. But don’t reward them doing what they should. It will prevent them from accomplishing things later in life unless there is a reward attached, instead of doing it as a result of integrity.

For example, let’s say they find a Samsung Galaxy lying on the ground. Do you know for sure that they’ll pick it up and bring it to a police station to report it being lost? Without offering to reward them for turning it in, they may keep it for themselves, thereby turning them into an unwitting criminal.

7. Fix Allowances

Allowance money, contrary to popular belief, is one of the most foolish things parents give to their children. This concept, as harmless as it is, ends up teaching children to expect money.

Allowance shouldn’t be taught as a wage. Instead, it should be used to teach them the value of money, of saving that money, and thus increasing their financial education.

Getting children to take responsibilities for their actions is tough, but not impossible.

Doing so the earlier they are in life, will help them develop the skills they need to be a functional, responsible adult that doesn’t rely on others for survival and financial dependence.

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