The Complete Hormones Guide Infographic

The Complete Hormones Guide Infographic

You need to know how your hormones work so you can keep them in balance and get healthy. This hormones guide will help you achieve that.

Hormones often get blamed for a lot of things they don’t deserve. This is because most people don’t really understand hormones, what they do, or even how many there really are.

Hormone imbalances and deficiencies can cause a lot of problems in the human body, so it is imperative to learn about your hormones and what to do if they are not in the healthy balance they should be.

That is precisely why we created this infographic, Hormones 101, to instruct the masses on the many different hormone types (so many that we couldn’t even go over them all) and what to do if your body is not hormonally balanced.

Hormones act as the givers, takers, movers, and shakers of the body, telling how much testosterone and growth hormone to deliver to males as they go through the process of puberty, or melatonin that has the dual purpose of the sleep/wake cycle and regulates female reproductive hormones.

Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms

Hormones are constantly working to make sure that your body is balanced and has the chemicals it needs to complete the tasks it is doing, even if that task is sleep!

So why in the world would you ever want them to be imbalanced? Trick question, because you don’t.

Imbalances in your hormones cause big problems all over your body, starting with things like:

  • Brain fog, trouble with the recall, or other cognitive changes;
  • Changes in fat distribution, more belly fat;
  • Weight gain;
  • Changes in skin and hair;
  • Insomnia;
  • Night sweats;
  • Hot flashes;
  • Erratic periods;
  • Decreased sex drive;
  • Vaginal dryness;
  • Painful intercourse;
  • Difficulty with bladder control;
  • Low self-esteem, lack of confidence;
  • Moodiness, depression, or anxiety;
  • Osteoporosis.

So, as you can see, it is very important to keep things in check when it comes to the hormones in your body.

Too much of any good thing becomes a bad thing, so especially if you regularly exercise and/or are taking any supplements or hormones to increase your outcomes. Make sure to get your hormones tested as to not experience anything on the list above!

Hormones Guide – Infographic

We want to make sure that everyone understands their hormones and learns to love them, as they are in charge of so much of what we do in our everyday lives.

Regulating cycles, starting or ending cycles, you name it, and hormones are most likely involved in the process.

This is why we believe it is so important for people to become educated on their hormones, especially in the fitness world, as fluctuation and imbalance can happen most often when exerting high amounts of energy in short spans.

Other than that, the fitness world is also one of the biggest consumers of dietary supplements and pre-workout drinks that kickstart your workout and make you feel like you’re on top of the world. But we just want to make sure those are going to keep you kicking butt for many years to come!

Don’t waste another second and go read our infographic “Hormones 101: What’s Happening with Hormones?” below:

Hormones Guide Infographic

Hormones Guide Infographic

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