7 Simple Ways To Follow The Mediterranean Diet

7 Simple Ways To Follow The Mediterranean Diet

Want to follow the Mediterranean diet plan but don’t know where to start? These expert tips should guide you to better health.

Dieting for good health and longevity is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. That’s why there are thousands of different diets with the same promise: to help you get in shape.

However, there are certain plans that many experts agree to confer particular health benefits like the Mediterranean diet.

So if you’re looking to get fit and live a healthy lifestyle, you might want to look into the Mediterranean diet rules and principles.

Dr. Dominique Fradin Read, who specializes in anti-aging and preventative medicine, has seven simple tips to help you follow the Mediterranean diet with ease.

How To Easily Follow The Mediterranean Diet

If you’re looking for the best advice when it comes to weight loss, the Mediterranean diet and its principles work best.

Here’s how to follow the Mediterranean diet principles and reap its benefits:

1. Dine Mindfully

Eating isn’t just about fueling the body, but it’s also a cultural and communal experience.

Being chronically busy and on-the-go means meals are often rushed or eaten standing up, in the car, or alone at your desk. Whenever possible, try to dine with family, friends, or co-workers to get the most of your meal.

Part of what makes the Mediterranean life rich and full is the experience of eating with others.

2. Breakfast On Veggies

Vegetables are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and other compounds that keep you looking and feeling young.

However, sometimes it seems daunting to get in all of those recommended vegetables during the course of the day.

A great way to start out right is to breakfast on veggies rather than on bread, cereals, or other starchy foods.

Try adding peppers and onions to a morning omelet, or go Greek with feta cheese and spinach.

3. Snack On Nuts

Nuts have gotten a bad rap for being high in calories, but the reality is they’re also packed with protein.

Snacking on nuts instead of wheat-based products will stabilize blood sugar and make you feel full longer.

So during the day, whenever you feel hungry, grab some peanuts, walnuts, or whatever is your favorite type, and quench your hunger.

4. Treat Yourself To Fruit

Most experts agree that cutting back on added sugars is better for your overall health.

But if you’re still looking to satisfy your sweet tooth, reach for the fruit bowl instead of the candy bowl.

Adding berries to your yogurt or snacking on melon will help stave off sugar cravings while also giving you essential nutrients that come with plant-based foods.

5. Enjoy Cheese And Wine

Adhering to a diet doesn’t mean you can’t have the things you love, but you just have to enjoy them in moderation.

Having the occasional glass of wine or hard cheeses as part of a healthy diet will motivate you to keep going.

Also, some studies show that red wine has health benefits.

6. Go Fish

Seafood has been a main part of the Mediterranean diet for thousands of years. Fish, shellfish, squid, octopus, and many other creatures of the deep can be added as part of a nourishing, delicious meal.

Women who are pregnant and those with allergies should be careful about their consumption of certain types of fish. But seafood can be a great source of protein for those able to eat it.

7. Use Olive Oil

Replacing hydrogenated oils with healthier olive oil can make a difference. It can be a great addition to raw vegetables or be used to sauté foods.

However, its low smoke point means that it should not be heated to higher temperatures or for longer periods of time.

Adhering to a Mediterranean diet is doable for many people by starting with a few changes. Some of these are things you may already be doing, meaning you’re already on your way to better health.

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