Fighting Anxiety – Common Signs And What To Do To Prevent It

Fighting Anxiety – Common Signs And What To Do To Prevent It

Fighting anxiety starts right at the moment when you identify its signs. Here are the most common signs of anxiety and how to deal with them.

More than 264 million people across the world experience some form of anxiety, according to a 2017 estimate from the World Health Organization.

Apart from the many mental health issues that can arise from it, it can also cause a slew of physical complications.

Far from being “just in your head”, it can also have a significant impact on your wider health. These impacts can evolve into serious issues if left unchecked.

If this concerns you, take a look at symptoms of anxiety in your physiology, and the steps you can take to fight them.

How To Know If Anxiety Is Harming Your Health

The first sign is when your emotional distress gets to a degree that makes day-to-day activities difficult.

Initial physical symptoms include but are not limited to:

  • Fatigue;
  • Headache;
  • Digestive issues;
  • Chest and muscle pain;
  • Shaking;
  • And sweating.

Note that many of these symptoms are also consistent with food poisoning and other causes.

But if they recur despite you not having eaten anything out of the ordinary, and you have not taken any drugs recently, anxiety is a likely culprit. At this point, it is probably advisable to consult your doctor.

They’ll be able to determine whether or not there are other factors affecting your health. If they rule anxiety as the sole reason, you can focus on working on ridding yourself of anxiety.

Fighting Anxiety With Self-Care

Prescription medications are one of the best ways to combat the ill effects of anxiety.

Besides that, however, you can also do your part in equalizing your brain’s chemistry. This is so that it will no longer be vulnerable to anxiety.

Getting 8 hours of sleep at the right time interval is perhaps your best defense against the hormonal imbalance that causes anxiety.

You should avoid any mind-altering substances, such as alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine.

Mental relaxation is essential. Experiment with meditation, guided imagery, yoga, and even breathing techniques to find out what relaxes you best.

It’s also advisable to look into physical relaxation techniques for all parts of your body, right down to your jaw muscles and the joints in your toes.

Treating The Impacts Of Anxiety On Your Wider Health

Despite what some may believe, anxiety can have a profound effect on a person’s physical health, according to a study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research.

Sometimes these can be things as simple as asthma, back problems, and migraines. At worst, it can result in chronic vision and heart problems.

When low-strength medications and self-care aren’t enough to mitigate the effects of anxiety, these more serious effects become more likely.

In that case, ask your doctor about therapy treatments you can undergo. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a commonly recommended solution.

If this proves insufficient, you can also work with both your physician and therapist to figure out what stronger medications can be safe for you to take.

Anxiety has an undoubtedly effect on physical health. This is one of the clearest pieces of evidence we have on the intrinsic link between the well-being of the body and the mind. We must preserve both in order to lead a fruitful life.

So, when fighting anxiety, make sure to identify the symptoms as early as possible and inform your doctor about them. The sooner you acknowledge you’re anxious, the easier it is the treatment.

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