Cannabis Farming Tips To Grow Your Own Plants

Cannabis Farming Tips To Grow Your Own Plants

Taking the leap from recreational consumer to cannabis farming can be a bit daunting, but this step-by-step advice will help you succeed.

Cannabis is one of the plants that has been used for recreational and medicinal purposes for quite some time now.

A while back, most states had not legalized its use. But today, many states have legalized the use of cannabis as well as the farming of the plant – which is good news to all the marijuana users.

Cannabis farming is increasingly becoming popular as people have found out the perks of growing your own cannabis. Not only is it more affordable, but you also get to control the quality of the plant you will harvest.

Perhaps you want to try out cannabis farming, and you do not know where to start from, you are in the right place! Below are some tips for you.

Cannabis Farming Tips

If you’re a recreational marijuana consumer and want to try cannabis farming, then you should start by understanding your state laws. Do your research, get the supplies, and only then you’re ready to plant your first cannabis seed.

Follow these seven tips to succeed with cannabis farming:

1. Know Your State Laws

Imagine getting started with your cannabis farming project in your home, only to find cops on your door coming for you.

Before you even get into what cannabis farming is all about, you want to first familiarize yourself with the laws of the state concerning marijuana farming.

Find out how much marijuana you are allowed to plant in your home, at what age is one allowed to do it, and so on.

This will at least help you stick to the laws and avoid getting in the wrong books of the authorities.

2. Do Your Research

The next thing you want to do is research more about marijuana farming. It would be best to go in after getting some basics on what marijuana farming is all about.

There are tons of information available online that can be helpful to you as a novice in cannabis farming.

Doing so will at least give you insight into what you are in for as well as help you identify what it is that you need to have for a start.

The good thing is that as a novice, you can start small as you aim to increase your yield with time.

Getting the basics right is what matters the most so as to avoid disappointments while at it already.

However, note that cannabis farming is always a learning process. There are things you will not learn from the online materials but will get to learn while doing the farming.

3. Choose Where To Grow

Do you intend to grow cannabis indoors or outdoors? This is something that you should definitely put into consideration before taking the plunge.

Where to grow the marijuana depends on a number of factors, including the temperatures (about 20-30°C), the climatic conditions, your own preference, among others.

If you choose to grow the marijuana inside, identify a space where you will do the cannabis farming, be it in an empty room in your house, a small part of your bedroom- the choice entirely lies with you.

On the other hand, if you opt for outdoor farming, choose a space that is ideal for the growth of the cannabis plant as well.

4. Get The Right Seeds

One of the most fundamental aspects of cannabis farming that you should never overlook is the type of cannabis seeds you will be going for.

There are many cannabis seeds available today, ranging from the feminized cannabis seeds such as blue dream feminized seeds, auto-flowering cannabis seeds, regular weed seeds, and so on.

As such, you want to identify the type of seeds that you will be using on your farm. While doing so, consider the best type of seed that will thrive well in the environment that you intend to plant it on as well as your personal preferences.

One other strain that’s easy to grow and has a short flowering time is the northern lights strain. It flowers in 7-8 weeks and produces a great harvest.

You have the option of choosing different types of cannabis seeds for the first time to give them a try. If this proves to be hard, you can try and get recommendations from some of your friends who are into cannabis farming already.

5. Get All The Farming Essentials

The next thing you want to do after getting the seeds is to shop for other essentials that you will need for your farming. Get the right equipment to use on your farm.

For a start, you do not have to get a lot of equipment as most often than not, you will be farming on a small scale.

If you opt for indoor cannabis farming, you will want to get a grow tent, grow lights, soil, fertilizers, humidifier, and a dehumidifier. Getting these essentials will help you start on the right foot.

With time, you can always get more of the essentials that you feel might be necessary for the growth of your marijuana.

6. Prepare The Garden

Preparation of the garden is key when it comes to growing the marijuana plant.

Whether you are planting on small pots or on a large farm, you want to ensure that it is well set up before you start planting the seeds.

Ensure that the soil is fit enough for the growth of the cannabis, set up the humidifier, the dehumidifier, and the lightings. Then proceed to the next stage – planting your seeds.

7. Start The Planting Process

After doing a proper setup, it is now time to plant your cannabis seeds.

You want to first ensure that you germinate the cannabis seeds. There are many ways of germinating the seeds that you can use, including using the paper towel method, placing the seeds in a specialized starter cube, and so on.

After that, you will enter the vegetative phase of the cannabis plant, then the flowering phase, and lastly, the harvesting phase.

During all these stages, it is vital to ensure that you take good care of the cannabis plant. Ensure that the plant has enough water, is set up under the right temperatures, and is getting the right nutrients.

Planting your own cannabis plant is a fun, fulfilling process. And the good thing is that it is easy to learn the process. And with the tips as given above, you are now in a better position to start your cannabis farming journey.

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